Monday, July 14, 2003

Can you believe somebody actually said that about me?
I mean I have been waiting for this practically since I started this rag blog.
I mean somebody cares enough about me to hate me, how cool is that?
But shouldn't that be You're a fuckin ugly pervert, instead of Your a fuckin ugly old pervert. I mean, bad grammar just detracts from a good screed, don't you think.
Good thing he, or she, didn't mention that I could stand to lose a few pounds and that I've got a bald spot the size of Greenland, or is that Iceland, on the top of my head, or that might have just sent me toppling over the precipice into years of analysis and self doubt.
But I digress.
I rejoice in your hatred, bionic, and I'm pretty sure that it isn't your brain that has been rendered bionic, bionic.
The end.