Sunday, July 27, 2003

It's like this, it's going on 5 AM and I haven't been to sleep yet. I've been to bed, did that about 3 hours ago, yeah, three hours, three hours of tossing and turning and what if's and why not's and half a dozen meaningless trips to the bathroom., and listening to the clock go tick tick tick, and the cow go moooo, and the sheep go bahhhhh, and the cat meowwwwwwwwww, and the ....
My life is a See and Say, oh the humanity,
and I'm still not sleepy, I'm dead tired right down to my bones, dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones, but sleepy ...
Nahhhhhhhh, not a chance, man I wish there was a Girls Gone Wild infomercial I could watch, I'd even settle for the Snoop Diggledy Doogie one, and seriously if he wasn't a rap star do you think he'd ever get laid?
And remember, it is against all I hold dear to use question marks in my blog, but in Snoop Dooglety Diggs case I will make an exception.
Then there was that stupid request I made for people to ask me questions that I promised to answer honestly, yeah like I can do that, that's been weighing on my mind, especially the one about the most embarrassing moment of my life, I'll give you a hint on that one, it had to do with a 13 year old boz and two 15 year chicks that both looked like Daphne Zuniga in the Bob Segar Night Moves video, right down to the pink lipstick and points all her own sitting way up high,
way up firm and high,
and that line never made any fucking sense to me, was he talking about her boobs or what!!!!!
But I digress, as I so often do ...
Send my mouth way down south, and kiss my ass good-by.