Let's make this weeks song a mystery song, and I'd like to dedicate it to all you stalkers out there in the BozLand listening audience.
Here it is ...
The Song of the Week
My goal is to make everyone feel like they have walked in on the middle of the movie.
Let's make this weeks song a mystery song, and I'd like to dedicate it to all you stalkers out there in the BozLand listening audience.
Today is a day off, go forth and frolic.
She could be the ringmaster of my Gothic Circus anytime.
Our group short story has shifted gears. Bob has been abandoned, a sniveling piece of humanity, and we now follow Angel Felipe on his quest to see the Moody Blues in concert in Reno.
Early congrats to Jess on her impending graduation.
Somebody post for me. It's the weekend, and traffic is down, and I am tired, and I am bored, and I don't see why I should waste my considerable talents posting when no one is going to read it. So if you aren't very good, merely second rate, post for me. Give a fellow a break. It's either that or a weekend full of pics of skinny women.
Here's a pic of that orange girl from Farscape, the show that all you sci-fi freaks are so fond of.
If the kids like Avril Lavigne why should you care.
My reactions to your comments
I just realized something. I have two brother-in-laws, well yeah, I knew I had two brother-in-laws, but I just realized they are both celebrity look alikes. One is the spitting image of Kenny Rogers, and the other is an ex-cop that bares, or is it bears, an almost sickening resemblance to Don "Barney Fife" Knotts.
To all of you who said that two women couldn't be best friends.
Ok, now I am really, totally, honestly stoked.
Today is pie day. I had pizza pie for dinner, and I am about to have a piece of lemon meringue pie for snack time.
Seriously, does anyone really lather, rinse and repeat?
Here is the reply I got from Blogger when I complained about blogger performance. The complaint was sent on May 20th and the reply was May 28th.
I am once again totally stoked, and it has nothing to do with STS.
I am totally stoked. Blu is now a member of Superfluous Tubesocks.
Time for a new ...
The plot of our group short story thickens as Bob, our hero, encounters the hauntingly beautiful but blatantly transsexual Angel Felipe on the side of the road.
This and that for a Tuesday, even though it still seems like Monday, afternoon
I've started a group short story on Superfluous Tubesocks, go ahead and give it a whirl, you bunch of babies.
I've been feeling really 80's and Brat Packy all weekend.
We have a new member of Bozley's Angels.
Nothing says "sexy" like doc martens and knee socks.
Isn't Gwyneth Paltrow just adorable.
As far as quizzes go, this one is ok.
Small update to my photo blog.
Russian pop duo Tatu show their disappointment backstage after their recent poor showing in the annual Eurovision song competition.
This and that for a slow weekend
Oh, oh, there's a new teacher at Homey High.
It looks like she has super-glued her lips to the mirror.
I am thinking of making this part of the new uniform for Bozley's Angels.
Hell, it's 1 AM, why don't I just go to bed.
AtlantaChristSuperstar has joined the swelling ranks of
The Fuzzy Bottomed Anti-Christ just joined
I'm listening to Judy Collins, her music has charms to soothe the savage breast.
New Feature, New Feature, New Feature.
I am so easily pleased.
Cheeks has also joined the ranks of Superfluous Tubesocks. So I guess we can't make any more jokes about the monarchy.
Rosa and Shanti are the two newest members of Superfluous Tubesocks.
Now is the time for all good boz's to go to the bed of their country.
Crissakes, I have a toothache, well maybe not a toothache.
I've updated my photo blog with more scintillating photographs that are my life.
We have a winner in The Name The Grand Ennui Dude Contest.
Hey, hey, hey, We've got three new members in Superfluous Tubesocks.
This is what I would sound like if I were a robot.
Amuse me.
I was undecided on which of these two pics I would post first, so I just decided to post both of them at the same time.
Please, don't everyone sign up for the Superfluous Tubesocks message forum at once, I don't know if the server can take the traffic.
Blogger is pretty much sucking the big one again today.
Superfluous Tubesocks lives!!!
Man does not live by boobs alone.
After what seemed like months I finally got my CD compilation trade from HDLandfill.
Just call me Reverend Boz
Would you like to swing on a star, carry moonbeams home in a jar, and be better off than you are,
I found this quiz at Amanda's, she is the sig other of Jess.
One or the Other
I've started a photo blog dealing with my humdrum, day to day ordinary life.
Jesus Christ, I'm sitting here at 2:15 AM and eating Hershey Kisses. Have I no shame.
Comments on your comments
Does anyone know of any internet radio stations that play
Question: If you are two years old and have a pea in front of you, what do you do with it.
I've rented six movies from the Über Bargain Bin.
Fill in the blanks.
How many people sleep in black stockings.
I had never really thought of Courtney-Thorne Smith as hubba-hubba sexy
We have a winner in the 3000th entry to my zonkboard contest.
Suzanne Vega has a very calming singing voice for late night listening, but I don't think I'd stalk her, unless I could get someone to stalk with me.
Comments on your comments.
Which celebrity would you stalk.
Have you ever seen a more adorable kid.
It's the summer of 1963 and the most important thing on my mind is which side of the latest Four Seasons single is the hottest.
Welp, it's Tuesday. almost 5 PM, I must have something better to do, so I guess I'll go do it.
The Roller Derby is back in town.
Ok, I got home about 7 PM, and I planned to come online real quick, check my email and my comments, and get off real quick, and when I say get off real quick, I didn't mean it in a sexual way, but if the shoe fits ....
I saw a young guy walking down the aisle at the supermarket and he was carrying a package of condoms and smiling.
Ok, I mean it, I really mean it, I really have some stuff to do today.
I've actually got some stuff to do today, not a lot of stuff, but stuff just the same.
Ok, I made a mistake. Lisa pointed out that it was actually Famke Janssen and not Madchen Amick, that was the X-Chick
Smiling boz
Isn't Madchen Amick one of the X-Chicks.
Shanti's Prize
Jess's Prize
I'm thinking about getting a new computer this summer, and I really want to load it down with all the extra crap, except for a scanner and printer, which I either never use or it breaks down just when I need it most.
Cacoa's Prize
The Bill Walton pic has been banished to my archives.
Angels, Angels, Angels,
Please don't hate me, but I'm having spareribs for dinner, and other random thoughts for a Thursday afternoon.
Rosa's Prize
Hey all you Katz and Kittenz out there in Bozland.
There must have been some screw-up in the email.
The Obligatory 6 AM Post
Screw 'em.
I bought my mother a Mother's Day card today.
Cacoa has been prattling on about quiffs for the past week or so.
Ooooh, oooh, oooh.
I won another, yes another, contest over at Kazoofus.com.
Anybody got any acid, I feel very Ken Kesey-ian today.
I just visited a site with a Bettie Page flavor, so I needed a Bettie fix.
Just a post so I can get Bill Walton's picture further down on the page.
I just finished a glass of diet Coke, or was it diet Pepsi, and six caramels, so it must be time for me to go back to bed.
Bill Walton is quite possibly the dumbest person in this or any universe.
I am deeply troubled and saddened by the response of three of Bozley's Angels at the result of the Angel of the Month contest.
I feel so vindicated. I am the #1 search result on a porn search engine
I found this test on lucy's blog, but she only made it to the second level, it's like she wasn't even trying.
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Very Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Very High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Moderate |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Moderate |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Extreme |
Level 7 (Violent) | High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Very High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Moderate |
I know I am a little early, but I have the results for the May 2003 Angel of the Month competition.
We have a new Angel, who is also the final entry for Angel of the Month.
What some people won't do to curry favor in the
I'm so popular. I have four instant messaging things on, and am talking with no one.
I went to West Branch instead of Standish, so nobody got nothing.
I can dig it Greg, I can dig it.
Ok, all you Boz Packers, and Boz Packer wannabes. The Boz Pack is not a copy of the Rat Pack. You do not have to be Frank, Dino, Sammy, Peter, or Joey, this is a tribute to the Rat Pack, a homage if you will. Develop your own persona, but above all be hip in a skinny tie and sharkskin suit sort of way.
C'mon Angels, we only have three entries in the Angel of the Month competition, you an do better than that.
Ok, we've got Bozley's Angels, but what about us guys !!!!
I wish I could be serious in here sometimes, but I can't, so I won't, so I'll see you later.
Just another Milla pic, she seems to be a favorite around here, androgyny and all.
The Angel of the Month competition is sadly lacking, with only one entry.
Man, that last post had to be about the sappiest post I have ever made.
Happy May Day everyone, and speaking of May, that reminds me of my on again-off again junior high school girlfriend